The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139681   Message #3206855
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
12-Aug-11 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
""but I do care that most of the time you are actively on the side of the oppressors (at least in argument here) and every so often you say something that looks as if you have a social conscience.""

I know that can be confusing Richard, which may be because the rest of us are not quite as rabidly adherent to an extremely narrow viewpoint, and do occasionally see the truths, however small, in an opponents comment.

Incidentally folks, it is wrong to assume, or assert, that Richard is either a failed or a comparatively unknown lawyer, much less a clerk.

He is, in spite of our irreconcilable political enmity, a personal friend of mine (and a damn good one), and I can confirm that he is a well known and well respected solicitor, specialising in copyright law.

And if any of you musicians ever have to litigate in that arena, you will be damn lucky if you walk into court with him at your side.

Even barristers don't like to face him and the fact that he is not a barrister is his personal choice.

Just to set the record straight.

Don T.