The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139681   Message #3206953
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
12-Aug-11 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
""The public debate is now starting to turn to WHY these events happened, not whether the individual events were right or wrong.

Maybe we should think about it.

I have been trying for the whole of this week to point out that these crimes were not the result of deprivation and poverty.

And today's revelation that 87% of those so far dealt with in court are adults, the majority in work, and only 17% under the age of eighteen does tend to destroy the image of frustrated youngsters rioting because they have no jobs and no future.

What they actually lack is discipline, ambition, conscience, self respect and energy.

With a tiny minority of exceptions, the actions we have seen this week have been an exhibition of greed, criminality and destructive violence.

In spite of the Media attempts to blame it on "Society and Government", every new piece of evidence tends to strengthen the likelihood that we are dealing with feral criminals, the direct result of the freedom from discipline of their grand parents which led to a lack of respect growing worse with each generation.

I really did predict this back in the sixties, which my wife will confirm if asked.

It is a no brainer that if you don't discipline children they will not grow into self disciplined adults, nor will they discipline their offspring or in fact allow anybody else to do so, and Hey Presto, 2011, the year of riots and looting, when those Dr Spock chickens come home to roost.

Don T.