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Thread #139681   Message #3207420
Posted By: michaelr
13-Aug-11 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
From an AP article in my local newspaper (a NY Times affiliate), dated August 11:

Britain has one of the highest violent crime rates of the EU. Roughly 18 percent of youths between 16 and 24 are jobless and nearly half of all black youths are out of work.

As the government battles colossal government debt with harsh welfare cuts that promise to make the futures of these youths even bleaker, some experts say it's narrow-minded to believe the riots have only been a random outburst of violence unrelated to the current economic crisis.

"There's a fundamental disconnect with a particular section of young Britain and sections of the political establishment," said Matthew Goodwin, a politics professor at University of Nottingham.

"The argument that this doesn't have anything to do with expenditure cuts or economics doesn't stand up to the evidence... There's income equality, extemely high levels of unemployment between 16- and 24-year-olds, and huge parts of this population not in education or training," Goodwin said. "There's a general malaise amongst a particular generation."

Britain's Conservative-led government is implementing painful austerity measures... to trim Britain's huge deficit, swollen after the government spent billions bailing out foundering banks.

The plans to cut services from welfare to education sparked violent protests last year, as students took to the streets to demonstrate against the tripling of university fees... The austerity measures also will slash housing benefit payments used to subsidize rents for the low-paid, threatening to price tens of thousands of poor families our of their homes...

Economists at the Centre for Economic Policy Research say such cuts promise more unrest. Most of Britain's deepest cuts haven't even come yet.