The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139748   Message #3207958
Posted By: open mike
14-Aug-11 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: broken foot on crutches
Subject: broken foot on crutches
Yesterday I went to the E.R. for x-rays on my foot. As I suspected a bone was broken in a tumble I had the night before. This will put a serious cramp in my style the rest of the summer! Now I have crutches and a boot cast -- and will need to see the bone doc. tomorrow to see if I need a plaster or fiber glas cast or if this velcro boot is adequate to immobilize my foot til it heals. this might take 6-8 weeks. at least my hands are o.k. (althought wrists have still remaining pain since i broke my fall with my hands...and skinned both knees too...i feel my wrists as I try to walk with crutches...since the weight is transferred to hands as I walk...hey, maybe i should learn to walk on my hands!!