The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139681   Message #3209947
Posted By: Musket
20-Aug-11 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
Maybe so, but I am a little disturbed to see someone who comes over as rational most of the time advocating something like capital punishment for not having a licence.

I am not insulting you and am quite taken aback by your comment above. Capital punishment is insulting though. Anybody who feels it is the answer to anything has at least one subject where I cannot take them seriously. If that's insulting, I must be an insultist or whatever.

I ma not in a position to have seen my kid's life wrecked by drugs, no. Although I do have a step brother who has been in your position, and I suppose most of us know someone who has had their life wrecked by drugs. It is sadly rather widespread.

I do know what I am talking about though. Sorry but I do. I know that capital punishment is wrong, is barbaric and hasn't worked as either a deterrent or punishment. By nodding sagely and agreeing with you, I wouldn't be doing you any favours either. By talking of licensing (I agree wholeheartedly with that) and then the irrational thought of hanging people who don't have a licence isn't something I could humour you with by agreeing with you.

However "fucking awful" your experiences have been, don't expect people to be intimidated and change their view for you. My view stands. Capital punishment is barbaric and consigned to the history books in the civilised world.