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Thread #139766   Message #3210107
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Aug-11 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: USA 'Third party' political ideas
Subject: RE: BS: USA 'Third party' political ideas
A no-party system is what I've been recommending for a long time...not that I think my recommendations rank large in the scheme of things. They don't rank any larger than anyone else's here... ;-) And that ain't "large". It's very, very, very small. But you did ask, Mrzzy. So there's my answer. No political parties at all. No party war chest. No party power machine. Just individual candidates running against each other on the basis of their individual ideas and abilities. No division of Congress into "us and them" power blocs. No division of society into "us and them" opinion blocs.

How refreshing it would be. And it could be done in a heartbeat. All that would be necessary would be for people in general to grasp a new idea instead of robotically treading down the established path of customary habit that has come out of the past 2 or 3 centuries. They could disband all their corrupt and self-serving political parties and instead vote for freethinking independents right across the board.

But is it gonna happen? Nope! We will all die long before it gets around to happening, I expect. And I can accept that with equanimity, because far more capable men and women than I have died without seeing all the world's political problems solved as they had hoped, during their why should I expect to be any different?