The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139681   Message #3210245
Posted By: MGM·Lion
21-Aug-11 - 02:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
As to the cap-pun question, I offer no opinion. But it is surely patent that legalisation/licensing is the obvious solution to the drugs problem. As far as drugs go, we are in a virtually identical situation to the USA re Prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s-30s ~~ and everyone know where that led: to huge-scale smuggling, internecine gang-warfare for control of the illegal trade ~~ and among other things to the first, and still very rare, Amendement to the Constitution having to be introduced for the specific purpose of repealing a previous one {I think I have that right}.

Can our legislators really not see that persistence in illegalising what everybody knows that people are going to persist in doing merely perpetuates and exacerbates the resultant problems? Sensible people will admit defeat in such instances, and act to minimise the resultant abuses by taking legal control of the situation ~~ as our Licensing Acts have always done, and Prohibition so manifestly didn't.
