The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48959 Message #3210326
Posted By: Lighter
21-Aug-11 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: South Australia:What the hell's a 'Rolling King'?
Subject: RE: What the hell's a 'Rolling King'?
I've listened several times now, with various equalizer settings, and I believe that Scott sings as follows,
Heave away, my lowlands so low Heave away, heave away Heave away, why don't you let us know? For we're bound for South Australia
Oh, South Australier is the place for me Heave away, heave away We work for the money and we goes on the spree And we're bound for South Australia
Heave away, my lowlands so low Heave away, heave away Heave away, why don't you let us know? For we're bound for South Australia
That's a nice girl on Australia's shore Heave away, heave away I'm going round since I'll not going to sea any more [sic] And we're bound for South Australia
Heave away, my lowlands so low Heave away, heave away Heave away, why don't you let us know? For we're bound for South Australia
The "going round" line obviously needs extra beats. Scott sings it pretty smoothly, but I think he gets off on the wrong foot and stumbles while correcting himself.
If you've read Dickens, you may remember that some some of his Cockney characters pronounce "w" as "v." I've never heard that in real life - except in Scott's recordings. He does it all the time!