The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139957   Message #3213881
Posted By: MGM·Lion
28-Aug-11 - 05:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fossilised phrases
Subject: BS: Fossilised phrases
Phrases and locutions often become fossilised.

Football reporters have talked of 'hitting the woodwork' when a shot rebounds off the goalpost or crossbar for over 100 years; and tv sports commentators still employ the cliché, even though the goals have not been made of wood but of tubular metal for — how long? 50 years?

Many people still refer to entering the number when making a phone call as 'dialling', even though digital keyboards have replaced dials on phones for at least the past 30 years. Surely numbers are 'punched' these days, rather than 'dialled'? {Fess up: which do you say? FYI, my recent BT Phone Book still refers to "your dialling needs"!, although 'call' has replaced 'dial' in most instructions!}

Any other such pertinacious obsolete linguistic survivals that you have observed?
