The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139844   Message #3215970
Posted By: squeezeboxhp
31-Aug-11 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: Whitby FF seems very quiet this year
Subject: RE: Whitby FF seems very quiet this year
back in cookie land.
had a great Whitby as i have had most years since it started as a weekender.
the idea of a Wetherspoons sounds great it may encourage the landlords of Whitby pubs to charge a realistic price for the beer and in the case of the Elsinor an attempt at keeping John Smiths in drinkable condition at £3.15 a pint and in poor order.
the sessions i was involved in were tea time at the Station with impromptu get together with whoever was about.
Middle Earth 5.00 - 7.00 , Conservative afternoon session.(good ale @ right price)
regarding same old tunes, they are still good to be inclusive when folk from all over the country meet to play standard tunes eg Fiddlers Tune Book, Community Dance Manuals etc.or any of the popular session tune books.
I do not buy a ticket these days as the days of sessioning all day and dancing all night are not an option.
Big thanks (NOT) to the dog owners on last years Fringe site for it now to be non dog friendly.
Overall enjoyed it very much and will see all who i met again next year

Ken C