The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45180   Message #3216326
Posted By: MorwenEdhelwen1
01-Sep-11 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Danger Waters - story behind the song?
Subject: RE: Help: Danger Waters - story behind the song?
Just to add more things; Yes, you could contact Joan Baez to ask her, but she (or her contact address) probably receives dozens of emails and letters from fans, and can probably not answer directly. It's also possible that she doesn't remember where she found it because of all the songs she sings, and/or doesn't care about this particular one. Sorry if I sound condescending to any of the older posters on the forum. It's a school day and I'm writing this in a free period. I have to go back for another class. chey.peggy, what do you mean when you say "it doesn't sound like African?"