The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140000   Message #3216399
Posted By: JohnInKansas
01-Sep-11 - 06:02 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Vacuum Tubes for Fender Champ amplifiers
Subject: RE: Tech: Vacuum Tubes for Fender Champ amplifiers
A contrast in a lot more than just the equipment itself:

When stuff was assembled out of components, you could fix 'em yourself, and the original builder could swap a couple or add one or two or leave some out the build a whole line of things to suit exactly what each customer wanted.

With everything integrated and modularized, its incredibly expensive to make one of anything, and about the same cost to the mfr to make 100,000 of them, as long as they're all alike. As a result WE ARE ALL REQUIRED TO TAKE THE SAME THING, no choices, and no repairs. When it fails we have to take exactly the one replacement that's been made most popular by the mfr's propaganda (call it advertising only if it helps to keep you from puking).

And instead of giving us specs and performance information, all they'll say is "you'll really like this 'cause everybody else has one." "And we can make it any color you want as long as it's red or black."

So we all line up and march up the ramp to the slaughterhouse like good little heifers, because THERE'S NO OTHER CHOICE.

Sorry for the rant, but I guess I miss some things about the good old days - especially some that came before most here had a chance to know anything about them. I suppose we old fossils (I'm not the only one here) should try to be gentle with the youngsters who never had a chance to know... .
