The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3216541
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-Sep-11 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Bobert: "Tell me in one short paragraph (sans the hysteria and subterfuge why you think it's perfectly okay the manipulate the value of currency for other countries but why you don't want ***our*** federal government to have the same tools (yes, tools) at our disposal to make our economy more competitive..."

OTHER countries??? Your question is very misleading. Do you think that the manipulation of ANY foreign or domestic currencies is the job for private banking, when to do it, our people are being manipulated to pay MORE taxes, and pay for the interest rates, for collateral on speculative loans(bet)????...FOR the manipulators, who in turn, charge us interest, when the profits are NOT being paid to the taxpayers...without representation??...or having oversight to which countries, receive it? Do you think it is OK for China to manipulate OUR currency?
Can you explain why the Democrat Congressmen seemingly opposed it, but you don't?
I think YOU are the one 'huffing and puffing'!
Like I said in my previous post, YOU are the one who is arguing in favor, of what you say the Republicans are doing!
So, answer my questions, in return to you!
You are not being consistent.
The HIGHEST part of our deficit, IS the interest on these 'loans'!~
without oversight!!! You think that's OK????