The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139943   Message #3216998
Posted By: Musket
02-Sep-11 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dale Farm Traveller Evictions
Subject: RE: BS: Dale Farm Traveller Evictions
Just read Jim Carroll's breakdown and context stripping analysis of one of my earlier posts.

Hadn't done it before now as I had some important paint I needed to watch dry.

Sorry, but your comments don't help your cause here.

You say that DNA evidence etc etc. Most new age travellers have perhaps had a pint or two of Guinness and have watched The Commitments. Very few are the beloved tinkers of romantic song. Even less are the Eastern European swarthy dagger in mouth whilst dancing in James Bond films gypsies. Doesn't make Bluesman's awful words any better, but to say I have to see them as one ethnic group or agree with bluesman is a bit silly...

I say planning laws have to be administered and you rattle on about pre war Germany.

On this, you have lost your credibility to be able to engage in debate. If you are not able to see beyond a radio ballad made fifty years ago about a travelling way of life, then this is perhaps not the thread for you to contribute to. (But please continue, not up to me to tell you what to do.) This is about local residents having the right to ensure their council upholds their rights and enforce planning laws. It isn't in the interest of fat cats, makers of gas chambers or any other silly nonsense; it is in the interest of local people. No more, no less.

Yes, you are British. You have also opted not to reside here, so a bit less preaching about who has to put up with what in our communities, if its alright with you.

Tell you what, try having a game of Top Trumps. Lots of songs (and a radio ballad) about freeborn men of the travelling people, and there are also lots of songs (and a radio ballad) about mining. When there was a camp set up on Manton Miners Welfare field, many moons ago, the annual sports day looked like being cancelled. A few of my more proactive colleagues knocked on a few caravan doors one evening and asked if they would mind awfully buggering off the next day at 8.00am sharp.

They did.

So... which community celebrated in song would you reserve your sympathy for? Cheery ruddy faced diddys or equally community minded pit moggies?

Difficult I know. Romantic visions sometimes make top trumps difficult to play....