The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #3217015
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
02-Sep-11 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
One issue debated here was cleared up though. Both the blockade and the boarding were perfectly legal and legitimate.

Wonderful news, Keith! Time for a little celebration!

On another issue debated here the report says: "Israel's decision to board the vessels with such substantial force at a great distance from the blockade zone and with no final warning immediately prior to the boarding was excessive and unreasonable" (NYT). As nine people were killed, I think we can take it that "excessive and unreasonable" are weasel-words code for "murder."

But the internal politicking of the UN is really neither here nor there. Under the shield of US protection Israel doesn't give a fuck about the UN anyway. What Israel will find a little more difficult is that it is fast losing one of its last friends in the region, and one of the most powerful. Already fazed at the loss of valued buddies like the monster tyrant Mubarak, the 51st state is now burning its boats with Turkey.

Somewhat like the hardline protestants who assaulted children at Belfast's Holy Cross school a few years ago, Israel is now caught in an unhappy downward spiral. Its lunatic behaviour is making it increasingly isolated, and this will make its behaviour ever more desperate. Pity American presidents, who will dare to do no other than pander to the New York zealots.