The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26658   Message #321819
Posted By: KingBrilliant
18-Oct-00 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: Folk music near Basingstoke?
Subject: RE: Folk music near Basingstoke?
I live in Reading which is fairly near Basingstoke. There's plenty going on around Reading, and I'm sure there's a lot going on even closer to Basingstoke - Morticia & Gomez would likely know, unless my geography is really naff I think they live somewhere that way. Near Reading there are: Saturday evening singarounds/musicianny things at The Swan pub at Three Mile Cross. Sunday evening folk club (Readifolk) at The Lion pub in Great Knolly's Street in the centre of Reading. Sunday afternoons there is a session/singaround thing in a pub which has something to do with Queen in the title (I'll post the exact name later) Thursday evenings I think there's something in The Retreat pub in the centre of Reading. I'm sure there are loads more, that's just the ones I know about. I'll see if I can find out about anything actually in Basingstoke, unless there is someone closer who posts soon. Would be nice to meet up with them. Are they Mudcatters too?

