The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26658   Message #321866
Posted By: GUEST,John Leeder
18-Oct-00 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: Folk music near Basingstoke?
Subject: RE: Folk music near Basingstoke?
Wow! Thanks for all the help, so quick!

Kris, my information is second hand and sketchy, so far. My daughter's married name is Carla Lloyd; her husband is Roy. They'll be working at a small hotel in Chineham, which I found just outside Basingstoke on my map. She cooks, he bartends/manages. She hasn't had much internet access over the past couple of years, so isn't likely to have done Mudcat yet. She spent two years on a Commonwealth work visa, roughly half of it in West Cork (where her visa was superfluous) and half in Orkney. Came back to Canada to get married, then back to the U.K. as soon as her papers came through. She's been a folk festival volunteer and sometime employee since her teens, enjoys the music but doesn't play it, has taken courses in Arts Management as well. Maybe she'll be able to get involved in something there.

I hope you can get together at some point.