The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56449   Message #3219624
Posted By: GUEST
07-Sep-11 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Dogger Bank / Grimsby Fisherman
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dogger Bank / Grimsby Fisherman
Sandra Dogger Klassen

Our family Tree takes Doggers back to 1600, Doggers took the name as fishermen of the dog fish (cod) on the Dogger Banks.. Dogger Boats were designed in England

These ships werre so seaworthy as to be conscripted into the Royal Navy. (Document) In July 1754 returned to the Texel Commander Pieter Dogger Jacobz the ship 'The Misses Anna and Mary returned from the waters near Greenland has an exceptional charge: 330 barrels of oil,from 13 harpooned whales. It was the biggest catch of all Dutch whaling ships in the year that had sailed to Greenland. The artfully engraved trophy to mark the Dogger was the record catch of the Alkmaar owners of the ship, as heirloom remains in possession of his descendants. The glass shows a whaler located between icebergs seen. Harpoon Irish crew and sailing in small fishingboats between one and a spouting whale submerged.

Our Families have yet to find who holds this goblet. We have an image of it though... Sandra Dogger Klassen