The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3219853
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
07-Sep-11 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Oh nonsense, Bobbie, you asked two different questions and the questions showed YOUR lack of understanding. One time you asked, what is wrong with countries manipulating the currencies, and the next time you asked what was wrong with the 'Fed' manipulating currencies. the 'Fed' is made up of private banks, and is not formally part of our government. So, the answer to your question(s), has two different answers. I just didn't spell it out for you so clearly, before...but you knew that didn't you?..(clears throat).
However, my bitch was with a PRIVATE BANKING concern using Borrowed tax payer money, as 'collateral', while charging the taxpayers interest, and doing so, without oversight, nor the people being able to grant them permission, by due process of Constitutional law....(sorta like going to war, without going to Congress first....but what do I know?

Ans I DO pay attention, that's why I posted the links on YOUR birthday, because she plays similar to an old link I saw of you playing. I thought that would flip your switch...and she really is HOT!...and just think, you saw it here FIRST, on the Ol' Mudcat Forum!
..AND she was on FOX news...and was better news than ANY of the politically based stories with 'commentary'.
I keep telling you guys..........MUSIC!!!!! Let the audience tell you if you've got something so say, that speaks to them!! Fuck this hung over politico/activist/musician/singer/songwriter/statement/parody of yourself stuff, ...especially if you ain't got shit to say!!!!
For a little moment, her performance made politics BORING..because ..well, it is. Do you really want to keep track of all the lies these corrupt fucks let fall out of their mouths?????
THEY should be so lucky, to have us even WANT to listen to them!
They just have to do better than the crap they're foisting on the American public, because in reality, we could kick their asses!

Hope you got the other link, with the harp player, or you wouldn't have 'gotten' what I just said!

Regards, you ol' coot!