The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26425   Message #321988
Posted By: GeorgeH
18-Oct-00 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: Middle East Problems
Subject: RE: Middle East Problems
Why, why, why do some Jews consider that the Holocaust justifies them perpetrating evil to others? Which is, sadly, the ONLY moral basis for their "majority position" over the Arabs in their midst (in Israel) and whose lands they occupy (elsewhere). It is disingenuity at its height to claim parity between bullets and rocks. It is the Israeli inability to make an "appropriate and measured response" to matters which is at the heart of the problems in the Middle East, and is the reason why the US, Israel and the UK (not always down to the individual citizens of those countries) are HATED throughout the Arab world.

Nothing can justify "lynching, castrating beating,skull smashing"; nothing can justify so many aspects of the routine Israeli treatment of the Arabs, or various other atrocities Israel has supported or instigated . .

However, I did have one heavily ironic laugh in this ghastly mess. When Clinton described the suicide bombers as "cowardly". Now there are many things you may call the person who is prepared to sacrifice their life for a "cause", but "coward" isn't one of them. Not even the president of the US of A has enough power to change the meaning of words . . whatever his citizens might think.

And, Standing Bear, whatever your views - don't worry about anyone calling you names - that merely indicates their inability to engage in debate, and does NOTHING to counter whatever you might choose to say.
