The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3220286
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
08-Sep-11 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Thanks Bruce for clearing that up!!! ...nice to see you again!

Kudos to 'Guest, 999', for your very easy to understand post! I watched it and found this one not too far from it!.... Bailouts
Think 'they'll' get it????

Now look at this:
Bobert: "Okay, GfinS.... I now fully understand that you are doing the best with the knowledge base that you have about economics so I really shouldn't expect anything more of you... You really wold benefit from an economics course at the local community college... I mean, you really are clueless about this stuff... No disrespect intended... It's just who you are... My bad for thinking that you understood basic economics..."

OKAY, so assault my character, insult ANYTHING you want, but you can't present any facts salient to your position!..and your 'catty' remarks is all you got!...NOT very convincing...AT ALL!...but that's're a blues player......(wink).

Don: "....By the way, are you capable of making a critical comment about a politician (or anyone else for that matter) without resorting to childishly insulting epithets like "Oblabbo?" That's really the sign of a pretty immature mind."

I said I used that expression during the elections, because I thought he was all talk. I was just reminding you, of how I felt about him at that time!......Oh, and by the way.......I was, and am right!!....but I don't call him that anymore.................................but I could!

AND, as far as your rap about a Kucinich/Paul ticket, how crazy it would be for a ticket of two parties..... Just for what it's worth .

Speaking of dancing, I thought about asking you if I could cut in...but you dance a pretty mean step yourself!...Go Don, Go!...Cut that rug!!!