The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114519   Message #3221796
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
12-Sep-11 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Slavery still active-
Subject: RE: BS: Slavery still active-
Sometimes you have to feel sorry for those representing their fellow travellers re the eviction presently going on. They say they are ordinary people trying to get on in life and the experiences of people like myself who have been victims of crime and the police saying they know who did it but they are travellers so bad luck.....

Perhaps my slightly jaundiced view of travellers, no different to M'Unlearned Friend's jaundiced view of anybody who makes a decent living out of their business (apart from himself) is sometimes justified.

Sorry, but I cannot be shocked or surprised by the slavery antics of a travellers camp near Leighton Buzzard no more than some sanctimonious idiots feel vindicated when a rich dude is caught with his fingers in the corporate till.

At the risk of giving bluesman unwarranted credence, this story is at least as descriptive of certain travellers as Jim Carroll's insistence they are all in the mould of Ewan McColl's romantic lyrics.

Let them live outside society? Once society can be assured of others' safety and it takes more than mealy mouthed equality waffle to get that far.