The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116986   Message #3222922
Posted By: GUEST,Bill
14-Sep-11 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: Guitar set-up for missing digits
Subject: RE: Guitar set-up for missing digits
I'm a regular right-handed guitarist. One day the last knuckle of my left index finger became swollen with arthritis. Took guitar to obnoxious reummatologist hoping that after he saw the finger articulations that hurt (D7) and those that don't (F). I thought he'd have some useful suggestion. I don't think he liked my bringing my guitar. He left after 15 minutes, gave me a blood test order. And that was about it. I caught him in the hall, asked if I had arthritis or not and he scolded me that if I'd been listening to him I would know. Then the nurse said she was sorry but that since I hadn't met my deductible I'd have to pay $175. Then I got another bill for about $150. Then they realized I had met the deductible and they owed me over $300, of which I've seen nothing. (And I might add that $300 plus is a bit much for 15 minutes of work.) Thank God for Michael Moore's "Sicko." This crap has to change. Any suggestions, since we're just dealing with one knuckle?