The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26425   Message #322314
Posted By: Gary T
18-Oct-00 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: Middle East Problems
Subject: RE: Middle East Problems
An attempt at some possible clarifications:

When Lepus Rex used the epithet "stupid twat", I really don't think he was being serious. It was followed by a smiley face, and was in response to a (perceived?) factual error (in other words he was not ridiculing someone's opinion, but pointing out an apparent goof). It could be considered tasteless and crude, out of place given the tenor of the discussion, or even childish, but I seriously doubt it was intended to be more than a friendly "gotcha".

When GeorgeH said this "Nothing can justify "lynching, castrating beating,skull smashing"; nothing can justify so many aspects of the routine Israeli treatment of the Arabs, or various other atrocities Israel has supported or instigated . . " I don't see that he was necessarily attributing the "lynching etc." to the Israelis. When I read it, I figured the part before the semicolon applied to the Palestinians, while the part after the semicolon obviously applies to the Israelis. If I'm reading it correctly, the point is that both groups have committed unjustifiable acts.

I've got to agree with StandingBear on this:"If the leaders in this struggle REALLY HONESTLY gave a shit about what their people want (peace), they would not be following their own selfish agendas."

Now, a perspective (elaborating on my previous post, which was not a condemnation but rather an observation--from my perspective, of course):

My understanding is that Israel is absolutely determined to maintain its existence where it is, and that there's no realistic hope that anyone will change that. It's also my understanding that Israel's policy has been, from its beginning, to retaliate for attacks on it in greater measure than the initial attacks themselves. In other words, it not "tit for tat", it's "TIT for tat". Furthermore, Israel is quite able to squash the Palestinians any time it cares to, due to its overwhelmingly superior military abilities. This brings the question to my mind, what do Palestinians hope to accomplish with their various outbursts (rock throwing, etc.)? Putting aside emotional motives, history, etc., and just looking at what can be tangibly gained in the present, I see the Palestinians repeatedly doing themselves more harm than good by many of their actions. Never mind whether Israel's various actions are justified, if you know that when you slap someone he'll break one of your arms or legs, why keep slapping him? Surely there's a more effective way for Palestinians to achieve some of their goals.