The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114519   Message #3223600
Posted By: GUEST,Bluesman
15-Sep-11 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Slavery still active-
Subject: RE: BS: Slavery still active-
Oh Richard, that was one of your boobs, you seem to like those.

Fred's, I made it very clear on this thread that I have many friends who are coloured and they have my respect, so wasting your time attempting to label me.

No Fred's,I don't have aliases, nice to see you back on a thread without tears, drama and threats of resigning. But for how long. Now that remains the question.

Oh look, Pikeys caught out telling lies, the Dale Farm rodents actually own houses in the land of milk and honey. Great comments as well. Why do Pikey women all look like scrubbers ?