The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114519   Message #3223742
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Sep-11 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Slavery still active-
Subject: RE: BS: Slavery still active-
What the **** has it got to do with either me or Travellers.
I hold no brief for any of the combatants in Ireland, I have never expressed any sympathy for either side; I am neither a nationalist nor a republican.
I think the last comment I ade on Mudcat was "a plague on both your houses" - that has always been my position and remains my position.
What do I think of it - I think you are attemping to dig yourself out of the shit-heap you've dug your way into with your fascist rantings - what do you think of the following:
l300,000 = estimated size of Britain's traveller community
8,000 = or more legal pitches in England and Wales
2001 = when traveller families first began setting up illegal pitches at Dale Farm
£8m = what Basildon Council is preparing to spend on clearing the site. Policing costs could also run into millions
Jim Carroll