The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114519   Message #3224021
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
16-Sep-11 - 03:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Slavery still active-
Subject: RE: BS: Slavery still active-
None of the threads down here is about music, and no-one has to read them.
I am disappointed that under the new regime I still have to defend myself from groundless attacks on my character.

Jim, the "doctored" cutting.
Do you deny that I had already posted the missing bit?
If you do I will provide a link and you will look ridiculous.

Do you deny that I had already acknowledged the truth of it?
If you do I will provide a link and you will look ridiculous.

It is no ground for calling me racist.

Those eminent, high profile people from their deep knowledge stated that it was aspects of culture,(impinging on ALL) that led some into offending.
No action was taken against any of them because it is not racist to say that, except on planet Jim.
So how can it be racist for me to say, "That sounds reasonable."?

You have no grounds for calling me racist.
You are driven by obsession and make yourself ridiculous.
Drop it.