The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140225   Message #3224193
Posted By: GUEST,roderick warner
16-Sep-11 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Steroid side effects
Subject: RE: BS: Steroid side effects
In 1997 I had to take the same steroid as part of a chemotherapy course. I survived the illness as early treatment worked but went somewhat wappy for quite a while. Didn't really piece it together until a few years later, but my main problem was an increased hair-trigger temper which got me into various scrapes and incredibly emotional mood swings. Luckily, I had good friends! Don't remember being depressed - but with hindsight the above-noted drug side effects took some time to work their way through. I think if you are aware that there may be a problem, that could be half the battle. I didn't at the time, being more pre-occupied with fighting a virulent illness and not seeing how barmy I was going! Hopefully you will pull through ok - the trick with all illness as you know is to keep as positive as possible - and take no crap of doctors/nurses etc. Refusing to be a victim is a main part of the healing process. Never be put on the back foot by medical professionals! Good luck.