The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26622   Message #322437
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
18-Oct-00 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: Theory questions that make me nuts--
Subject: RE: Theory questions that make me nuts--
Thanks Mark. I've already written the chords from that particular midi file and sent them on. (I can see the score from my version of Cakewalk, just can't print it out.) So you probably shouldn't go to too much trouble. I am curious though as to how Finale would put chords to it. It seems that the midi is one that is "recorded" rather than "step-sequenced" so the score is a bit difficult to read. I had to use a combination of reading, listening, and running downstairs to the piano to even duplicate the midi. I also wrote out a particular arrangement of "Amazing Grace" for another catter that was extremely easy once it was written out, but reading the midi score was so difficult that much of it was just done by listening and hand notating the notes. I kept telling myself that Beethoven only had pen, ink and manuscript paper!

You can PM me that address. And thanks for your trouble. What I'm saying is, yes I'd like to see the chords, but it's just for my curiousity about Finale, and there's certainly no hurry.
