The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3224447
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
16-Sep-11 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Daz right!...Some clocks, though, take a lickin' and keep on tickin'!
You know, a lot of us came into folk music, and the political side of it, during the '60's heyday...and when we first heard Dylan, Ochs, Rose, Guthrie, McGuire, Peter Paul and Mary, Baez, Collins, CSNY, Mitchell..and on and on, I remember thinking "Wow! where do they get those lyrics, and thoughts...and jeez, where are their heads at"..etc etc...and a lot of that was Before the Democratic Party co-opted the movement, with their phony 'concern' for what we all were thinking, and saying. actually, they just wanted the younger vote....and remember, LBJ, the piece of shit that he was ESCALATED the war in Vietnam, and his boy, McNamara, was drafting the freaks who were busted for either pot, or who were busted in the peace marches etc etc....and back then ALL of the political shit was against us...and why??..Because we didn't buy into their crap..either side, till RFK, who was sincere, and McGovern, who at best, was weak, and I think playing us........Meanwhile, we were listening to music, that had MEANINGS that the straight people just couldn't understand...but it spoke to the minds and hearts of us..and we understood it. It spoke to the human condition. I remember the first time I heard McGuire's 'Eve of Destruction' and Baez singing Ochs' 'There But For Fortune'
how it made you think outside the neatly formed box, that the 'establishment' prepared for us, thinking that we were going to grow up and be as non-thinking as they were...remember that?
Well guess what??...We grew up, alright, and a lot of you BECAME the non-thinking 'establishment'. I never sold out! My music got more 'arranged' and matured, my lyrics got deeper, and the double meanings got tripled, so just when you thought that 'you got it' took you another level higher..... When I've done concerts, in which I do a 30 minute piece, on the keyboards, though I was primarily a guitarist, though it has NO lyrics, leaves the audiences in tears, and giving me standing ovations! My lyrical stuff blows them away, as well!...But this doesn't come from 'following the party line'..of the 'establishment', and pandering to them....this touches their hearts, and minds, in places a lot of them forgot they even have!
You may have noticed, that even as much as Bobert and I go round and is the MUSIC, and my taste in music that I post that blows him away!! My own personal music, frankly, is even better than a lot of the shit I post!...but I ain't playin' the same ol' shit that you can hear everyday on the crap-ass pop music radio!!! It has THOUGHT, and HEART, and TASTE....and is not composed, just to 'fit in'.
So when I give people shit on here, as you probably have been amused, or pissed off at, you will also notice, that I repeatedly have IMPLORED the 'Mudcatters', to employ, and wield the very thing that got America's attention before...and that is the music!....and to not use it to promote the same ol' crap that the rest of the country is divided along partisan lines about...IT HAS TO BE HEAVIER!!!!
After all, remember what got your attention, the first time.....
