The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99119   Message #3224947
Posted By: LilyFestre
17-Sep-11 - 10:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Knitting Circles
Subject: RE: BS: Knitting Circles
I can't knit any more than I could when I started this thread 2 years ago!!! ARG. Talk about a slacker!!!! A friend of mine was working on a beautiful basketweave looking kind of stitch for a baby blanket this was lovely!!! My fingers are getting itchy to start some kind of project...something that doesn't need constant counting or attention as Jeremiah has that arena covered. I need a little something I can pick up and set down easily and quickly. I REALLY want to learn how to make chemo caps.

Allison, do you prefer bamboo or metal needles?
