The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99119   Message #3225057
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
18-Sep-11 - 06:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Knitting Circles
Subject: RE: BS: Knitting Circles
& what I'm up to -

I started a project in yarn that was too thick, so as it was well on it's way to being a scarf, I just bought more yarn & kept knitting. it's the yarn in middle of top row

In the past 3 years I've made dozens of coathangers - after making the new ones I needed & re-covering my old shabby hangers, I started giving them away to friends & then charity. One of my friends volunteers at her local hospital's gift shop & has a ready market for every hanger I can give her.

I've also made a few scarves - they all started as coathangers & were too pretty to stop, so became long thin scarves!

I'll be at a festival in few weeks where I normally collect the money so will be working on more coathangers! Probably not the scarf as it is 40 stitches wide & is well into it's second ball, with 2 more to go & is a bit too bulky to take with me.

All my knitting is garter stitch & normally straight, so doesn't need to be thought about. To I just might take my mouse pattern (shaped) & my frog pattern (straight) & make them again.
