The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139951   Message #3225155
Posted By: Bobert
18-Sep-11 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ron Paul is not who you think he is.
Subject: RE: BS: Ron Paul is not who you think he is.
Why won't cutting taxes create jobs, Q???

How has voodoo economics done so far in creating jobs??? Well, not too well... We were told in 2002 that cutting taxes would create jobs... Well, it backfired... 8,000,000 jobs lost... The Fortune 500 are drowning in ***un-invested*** cash now ($2T - $2.5T) and they aren't creating jobs... Why would we think that if we give them even more they will change that???

Insanity: repeating a behavior expecting different results...

BTW, I'd say that 20% of Paul makes sense and the other 80% scares the shit out of me... Just like Lyndon LaRouche who, BTW, I think Paul copies his positions...
