The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92109   Message #3226023
Posted By: Vic Smith
20-Sep-11 - 07:59 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Peter Kennedy (1922-2006)
Subject: RE: Obit: Peter Kennedy (10 June 2006)
Well, there are going to be Northern Irish releases in the new VotP so let's hope that the ones that Fred mentions are amongst them.

I seem to remember that when the Peter Kennedy tapes were passed over to Topic, there was some sort of statements that Topic would compile and release the material that there was a chance of recouping their investment in improving the sound quality, preparing booklets, bulk transfer to high quality CDs etc. - cherry picking I suppose - and that the remainder would be passed to Rod Stradling who would compile and release material in the smaller quantities that he usually caters for but which might not sell in the numbers that the Topic/VotP were looking at.

We must be honest and say that that number of people who are inspired by the majesty of these field recordings is not huge. If Topic recoup their investment, then it may inspire them to release more which will be great for all the enthusiasts of the hardcore traditon of these islands.

If not there will still be Musical Traditions and what those with an interest in this music consider the fascinating and vital work that Rod Stradling is doing with his releases.