The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140391   Message #3226439
Posted By: Roberto
21-Sep-11 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Jeannie Robertson's Mary Hamilton tune
Subject: Tune Req: Jeannie Robertson's Mary Hamilton tune
Jeannie Robertson said that when she was a child, they used to recite, not sing, the ballad Mary Hamilton as learned from relatives in Pertshire, Scotland (she was from Aberdeenshire). In a recording made in 1953, she first recites some stanzas, then she sings the rest. Where does the tune she sings come from? I can't remember who said it was American. But it is similar to the tune used by Ethel Findlater, Orkney Islands. I also find it in many American recordings, Joan Baez included. It is now, I'd say, the most popular tune to the ballad. Where does it come from?