The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140428   Message #3227302
Posted By: Bobert
22-Sep-11 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
Subject: RE: BS: Media Bias. How's That, Again?
This has been one of my pet peeves going back for years now... The Republican dominated Federal Communication Commission has been changing the rules over the last 30 years and what we have is a lot of media consolidation and these outlets are now 100% corporate and are doing the bidding of the corporations... So, what we are getting is corporate (primarily Republican) propaganda...

Ask yourselves how many times Big Media has gone to a "liberal" for a comment??? When was the last time that Dennis Kucinich was on ABC, CBS or NBC??? Bernie Sanders... Sherrod Brown???

Face it, liberals have been and continue to be blackballed from Big Media...

But the right will continue with their "liberal media" mantra, not because there is any truth it it, but because it does work in keeping Big Media afraid of them...
