The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3227334
Posted By: Don Firth
22-Sep-11 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Just to set the record straight, GfS.

During the Sixties, Robert McNamara was generally regarded by young men of draftable age as the ultimate villain. But in actuality, he was not the ultimate villain, even if he was right in there with the bad guys.

As Secretary of Defense, he did have a great deal to say about how the draft was conducted. But he did NOT have the final say. Nevertheless, noting that the armed forces were made up mostly of men from lower economic classes, including racial minorities, while the sons of more "privileged" families managed to get conveniently "passed over," in order to make the draft more equitable, McNamara instituted what he considered a fairer way:   a draft lottery.

This, of course, didn't go over well with those "privileged" families—nor on college campuses, because it made getting a student deferment considerably more complicated than merely registering for school. Student deferments were no longer automatic. This was one of the major spurs of the anti-Vietnam war protests, especially on college campuses.

McNamara was certainly not one of the "good guys" in the Vietnam brouhaha, but he got a helluva lot more bad press over this that he really deserved.

Ya know, GfS, you really need to look beyond the obvious. And frankly, I don't have the time to spend on your education. Why don't you learn a fact or two before you start shooting your mouth off?

(Talk about "lame!!")

Don Firth