The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3227532
Posted By: MGM·Lion
23-Sep-11 - 01:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
"That above comes as close to hate speech as anything I have ever seen or heard." ···

Honest, now, mg. Why goodness me, what a sheltered life you must have led. Here's a recent, actually quite mild [it doesn't contain the usual promise to 'drive Israel into the sea' which usually accompanies such: google if you don't believe me] example ~

~Hamas released a statement following the far left president's naive speech.
The terror group will not recognize Israel under any circumstance.
YNet News reported:
Obama's Mideast policy speech Thursday was a "total failure," Hamas said Thursday evening.
"The (Arab) nation does not need a lesson on democracy from Obama," said Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip, Sami Abu-Zuhri. "Rather, Obama is the one who needs the lesson given his absolute endorsement of Israel's crimes and his refusal to condemn Israel's occupation."

"We will not recognize the Israeli occupation under any circumstances," the Hamas spokesman said

If that isn't hate-speech to out-hate the instance you take such exception to above, then I guess it will do OK for hate-speech till some hate-speech comes along, eh?
