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Thread #140399   Message #3227669
Posted By: GUEST,beardedbruce
23-Sep-11 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
"Following your logic, Richard, the Israelis have as much or as little right to a state in the eastern land of the Mediterranean as do the Europeans in North America."

Or Anglo-Saxons any cliam to England, which they stole from the Celts, who stole it from the Beaker peoples...


A good summary of the history, EXCEPT you ignore the fact that the Mandate Plestine territory included ALL of what is now Jordan- and in 1923 that 77% of the territroy was split off as the PALESTINIAN ARAB HOMELAND, with Jews NOT allowed, in order to " establish a Jewish national home that did not prejudice the civil and religious rights of the Arab majority". The remaining 23% was declared to be the Jewish Homeland, but there were no restrictions on non-Jews living there or owning property, as in the Arab Homeland of Transjordan.

So there has been an Arab Palestinian state since 1923.

Please check the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel, and see that the borders that Jordan acknowledges put the ENTIRE West bank in Israel (as per the 1923 division). Israel has been offering to give up land for peace, and yet is still being attacked daily.

IF the Palestinians are declared a state, then the rocket firings from Gaza will be acts of war against another nation (Israel) and ANY acts by Israel will continue to be justified , up to and including "razing of infrastructure in Gaza or the Lebanon. " Or are YOU declaring that the bombing of Germany during WW !! was illegal? THERE HAS BEEN NO PEACE TREATY between Israel and the nations it has attacked IN RESPONSE TO BEING ATTACKED FROM.

Are YOU saying that ONLY Jews are not allowed to attack in response to being attacked????