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Thread #140399   Message #3227835
Posted By: GUEST,beardedbruce
23-Sep-11 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Speaking of "The occupation of territory following a war is accepted as a temporary anomaly which needs to be rectified by the withdrawal of the occupiers"

Emir Faisal's brother, Abdullah, led a band of armed men north from the Hedjaz into Transjordan and threatened to attack Syria and vindicate the Hashemites' right to overlordship there. Samuel seized the opportunity to press the case for British control. He succeeded. In March 1921 the Colonial Secretary, Winston Churchill, visited the Middle East and endorsed an arrangement whereby Transjordan would be removed from the original territory of Palestine, with Abdullah as the emir under the authority of the High Commissioner, and with the condition that the Jewish National Home provisions of the (future) Palestine mandate would not apply there. Effectively, this removed about 78% of the original territory of Palestine and left about 22% where the application of the Balfour Declaration calling for a "Jewish" national home could be applied. Transjordan remained under the nominal auspices of the League of Nations and British administration, until its independence in 1928.[2]