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Thread #140399   Message #3227930
Posted By: MGM·Lion
23-Sep-11 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Richard ~~ One more attempt to get it into your thick skull ~ the relevant date is 1947, by which time the United Nations Organisation was in recognised control of international legislation, with the agreement of its members ~~ WHICH INCLUDED SYRIA, LEBANON, EGYPT, SAUDI ARABIA... all of which had power to vote in its deliberations. A motion came up for the establishment of a Jewish State within borders declared by that authority. This motion was carried, to date from the agreed time of the ending of the British mandate, held from the former League of Nations. This motion was approved, in Security Council & by the General Assembly, despite votes cast against by the above-named; who, as members, were bound by that membership to accept the Organisation's decisions. The continued existence of the Ottoman Empire, the status Turkey had previously enjoyed in the region, were entirely irrelevant to this Resolution, made by international agreement by the body recognised worldwide at that time as competent to make such decisions ~ including the above-named, who thereby provided the 'mandate' for Israel's existence which you demanded above, much as they might have wished otherwise & sought to evade such responsibility.

Now please stop wittering on about Turks, Ottomans, Armchairs, or Baths ~~ & face the facts; as the above-mentioned dissident members of the Organisation, to both their shame & their bane, failed to do.

Otherwise away and play your own games.

(Much Ado About Nothing, Act I, scene 1:~

Beatrice: I wonder you will still be talking, Signor Benedick. Nobody marks you.)