The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123838   Message #3228662
Posted By: MGM·Lion
25-Sep-11 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: Peter Bellamy - died 24 Sept 1991
Subject: RE: Peter Bellamy 18 yrs today since he died
Maybe, Shimrod. But his marriage to Anthea was over by then, and he had remarried to Jenny and seemed well-contented in emotional aspects of his life. Jenny's account was as I have related above ~ Valerie and I were in his and her confidence, and I have no reason to doubt her relation that, not it was not just 'a low-ebb', but almost complete drying-up of gigs, that caused his depression ~~ by no means as widespread on the scene as you suggest: Martin Carthy, who was close to Pete - I was more than once a fellow house-guest at the Norwich house with him, and whose scene status and Peter's could be well compared - I think was maintaining a living; and he is but one example that comes to mind. I remember conversing long with him at Peter's funeral, and he unquestioningly attributed the reason for our being there at all to the causes I suggest. I was close to many on the scene at the time in my capacity as active reviewer &c; & Peter's case, to my observation, really was worse than most of his standing, gig-wise.
