The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123838   Message #3228688
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
25-Sep-11 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: Peter Bellamy - died 24 Sept 1991
Subject: RE: Peter Bellamy 18 yrs today since he died
[I wrote the following before seeing Michael's latest post]

I wonder if Peter was the best judge of his own situation? I didn't know him in anything like the depth that MGM did, but can remember chatting to him, mostly backstage at various festivals (perhaps also in some digs somewhere, can't really recall). One small scenario stands out in my mind which perhaps illustrates this trait (if trait it was) of seeing things in an unrealistically negative cast:

We had just finished some multi-billed festival concert somewhere and were chatting in the bar. I have to emphasise that this conversation was light-hearted and jokey, not heavy or dour as cold computer-screen print may make it seem. Peter (in Oscar-Wilde-as-played-by-Stephen-Fry mode that night) interjected midstream with a comment about how Packie & I had got two encores, though this hadn't been the topic we were discussing. I pointed out that he had received two encores too, as indeed he had. But this fact seemed not to have registered with him (though I am only going on my own impressions and can't tell what he was thinking).

It did strike me as strange that he would notice another artist's minor triumph but overlook his own. It may be that his view of himself and his accomplishments was unnaturally dark? He made nearly identical comments about the Young Tradition having been neglected, that everybody raved about them but didn't rush to fill the gaping holes in their gig diary. Reading what he said about the Transports just gives me a sense of deja-vu. And terrible, terrible loss. R.I.P. Peter.