The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140465   Message #3229059
Posted By: akenaton
26-Sep-11 - 02:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslims again . . .
Subject: RE: BS: Muslims again . . .
I do not confuse Capitalism with democracy.
"Democracy" as we in the West know it, is used as a political tool to keep us as maliable little consumers. To give the impression of freedom, when in fact we are slaves of the system from cradle to grave.

Imagine if we were to revolt over what is being done to us economically and socially at the present you not realise that WE would be shot in our thousands just like in any other repressive regime?

As I have said before, in the early nineteen hundreds the Capitalist System was in danger from a Socialist uprising and I could take you to the exact spots in Glasgow where the tanks were positioned to fire on the people.
Capitalism may have failed in the West, but the people who run it will never "walk away".

Did you not see the working class hero Mr Obama eat his own words on Palistinian Statehood.....medical services.....taxation.