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Thread #140399   Message #3229289
Posted By: GUEST,beardedbruce
26-Sep-11 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
"within 78% of what had been universally referred to as Palestine prior to 1948."

Not sure where this comes from. The nation of Transjordan was 77+% of the original Mandate Palestine, and made into an Arab ONLY homeland, with Jews not allowed ( though lib=vlylass seems to think that ok as long as Jews don't do it.)

The West Bank is more than 22% of the 1923 Jewish Homeland portion of the later Mandate Palestine.

Since it was conquered in 1948, I think IT should be returned to the Jewish homeland. Those Jews there in 1948 were driven ou, along with the Jews from other Arab nations, members of the Arab League whose forces took the West bank. Israel reclaimed it in 1967, after the Arabs attacked again.


Obvious religious bigotry.

And ANY comment about the citizenship rights of non-Jews in Israel needs to address the citizen rights of Jews in the Arab nation. Otherwise, you are stating that Jews are not deserving of the rights that you give others.