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Thread #140399   Message #3229507
Posted By: Richard Bridge
26-Sep-11 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
Teri - your point 1, if right, demolishes any claim that Israel was created witht he consent of the people of the region.

McGrath - your house deeds will proceed (with the interface of land registration principles) from a "good root of title". That is exactly what there isn't for Israel.

Teri - 1937 - too late. The UK had no title, as of 1917/22, to take any decision for the region.

BB - (1) if the UN so reguires, where and how is it stated and binding and why did that not apply (as McGrath states) to Southern Ireland or the rest of the UK. (incidentally, sidewind thought I have not checked out, how about the USA and Cuba?)
(2) what Arab (and as appears above, both sides are "Children of Abraham") conquered territory are you saying should be given up to whom and why?
(3) where are those statements about compensating refugee?
(4) what is that about a "homeland" again? The whole of Israel is in what was an Arab homeland since 1299 and before.
(5) I thought that UN membership implied such recognition - which is why some arabists oppose it.

I'm not really up on Jewish religious belief, but does Judaism recognise Hell?

I'm sorry BB but you and MtheGM are looking as if you are asserting the Zionist case for a religious homeland the size Israel wants, coupled with the right to starve and oppress others in the region. Israel did the deal for its borders (a deal with the occupying powers, not the local peoples) in 1947/8 and now it wants a better deal - a bit like Southern Ireland in 1922 although they, like the Palestinians, could argue - maybe - that they never agreed a deal before that). I am reminded of some old transactions with Miramax and Cannon in my professional life (although, to be fair, one of my old clients of Lebanese extraction but US citizenship was somewhat similar, and I remember an old friend of mine who practised in Paris saying of an Armenian film producer that after a whole week of non-stop meetings he understood why the Turks massacred the Armenians - maybe it's just film producers who should be massacred).

IMHO recognition of Palestine is likely to be a step productive of a step on the route to peace.