The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140399   Message #3229861
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Sep-11 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
"wild exagerations."
No wild exaggeration whatever - everything I claimed to have happened, happened as I described and is a matter of record.
"No chemical weapons were used in Gaza"
White phosphorus (chemical weapons according to the US agency who oversaw its use in Fallujah) was used in Gaza on civilain targets AS WEAPONS - not illumination
"It happened in Lebanon and it was not carried out by Israelis."
The refugees were under the care of Israelis - the enquiry found that they colluded with the killers fully in allowing them access to the camps - the Israeli in charge was expected to resign, but was appointed to high political office instead - it was an Israeli massacre and fully recognised as such
There has never been any doubt whatever that the massacres were Israel's responsibility - except in your mind apparently - surprise, surprise!!
Your apologist attitude and open support for racist atrocities seem to know no bounds.
"as because it gravely understates the nazi ones."
As I said, only in scope - Everest and Sliebh Callan are both mountains.
Thanks for the correction on Haganah - I am confusing it with one of other Jewish "freedom fighters"!
Jim Carroll