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Thread #140399   Message #3229913
Posted By: Stringsinger
27-Sep-11 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
The nature of the preceding agreements by the UN or other "official" organizations which mandated what is or isn't Israel have been invalidated by changes not only by the parties involved but by the realities of the people who have decided what the position should "officially" be.

These arbitrary conclusions can never come at the point of a gun, bull dozer, cluster bomb, white phosphorous, suicide bombings, occupations or violence and the denial of basic human rights.

They can't be brokered by religious adherence either. The justification for the State of Israel is as flimsy as the accusation about the validity of the State of Palestine. There may not be even a justification for what constitutes a Jew other than a religious adherence.

Jordan has it's own autonomy and is not a Palestinian State but an attempt to push Palestinians back to a mythical Jordanian homeland suggested for them is specious.

The only solution for Israel and Palestine is to accept a secular state which may not be based on Judaism or Islam. It also may have to be a "one state solution" with equal power sharing of it's inhabitants. It could be hoped for that it would be a social democracy, a system that seems alien in this part of the world.