The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3230022
Posted By: Bobert
27-Sep-11 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
The Affordable Care Act was not rammed down anyone throats, GfinS... Obama went to the Republican caucus in the very beginning and asked them for their ideas and asked them to be partners in drawing up the legislation...

The Republicans, in turn, told Obama essentially to go screw himself... They said their Number One goal was to defeat him in 2012 and since then everything has been 100% about just that... The Repubs have stripped him of the tools that any responsible president needs to keep the recovery going which is $$$... Every leading economist out there says that the federal government needs to get cash into this economy... Only the flat-earth/Herbert Hoover economists think we should be decreasing the deficit in this economy... It's kinda like the person who has just lost his or her job deciding that now is the best time to pay off those credit card bills... With what???

This is really the crux of the Republican push... Strip Obama of the one tool that will create jobs and then blame it on him???

And please spare us the MythTeaology about cutting taxes and regs will create jobs... We cut taxes in 2002 and lost 8,000,000 jobs... Regs are just more MythTeaology... Obama asked the Chamber of Commerce to submit a list of regs that they thought were killing jobs and the Chamber did just that and the Obama administration has cut out some regs... But bottom line, the list wasn't all that long to begin with... So regs is just another MythTeaology boogie-man...

BTW, GfinS, if you have any ideas on how to put people back to work that deals with reality, I'd sure like to hear them...
