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Thread #140399   Message #3230122
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
27-Sep-11 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine
I don't think this is in any way relevant to the issue of Palestinian statehood, and I prefer not to contribute to thread drift in this way, but here goes. From The Times in 2008: Israel rains fire on Gaza with phosphorus shells

White phosphorus: the smoke-screen chemical that can burn to the bone

— White phosphorus bursts into a deep-yellow flame when it is exposed to oxygen, producing a thick white smoke

— It is used as a smokescreen or for incendiary devices, but can also be deployed as an anti-personnel flame compound capable of causing potentially fatal burns

— Phosphorus burns are almost always second or third-degree because the particles do not stop burning on contact with skin until they have entirely disappeared — it is not unknown for them to reach the bone

— Geneva conventions ban the use of phosphorus as an offensive weapon against civilians, but its use as a smokescreen is not prohibited by international law

— Israel previously used white phosphorus during its war with Lebanon in 2006

— It has been used frequently by British and US forces in recent wars, notably during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Its use was criticised widely

— White phosphorus has the slang name "Willy Pete", which dates from the First World War. It was commonly used in the Vietnam era.